Disability awareness is crucial, especially in clinical settings which can be a difficult and frustrating place for many people with Usher syndrome leading to an upsetting experience. We have heard many times, members from our Usher community describing their appointments as highly unsatisfactory and an overall a negative experience.
What can we do to tackle this issue? It’s simple, it’s our Yellow Sticker campaign*. Carol Brill, chair of Usher Syndrome Ireland, explains a bit more in the video below.
In the meantime we are busy highlighting this campaign across many hospital groups and other clinical settings. Carol recently presented at the ISHAA (Irish Society of Hearing Aid Audiologists) Education Day highlighting this campaign to many interested members. If you would like to get in touch with us on how you can implement this campaign in your clinical setting, or wish for us to discuss this campaign in further with you, please email us contact@usherireland.org .
*previously called The Yellow Label Campaign
Video description: Carol Brill is sitting and facing the camera. She has short blonde hair with lightly tanned skin. She is wearing a bright yellow t-shirt.
Video transcript: Imagine you're in a waiting room and you can't hear or see properly and you're hoping and praying that you'll hear your name being called for your appointment. And then when it's called, you've got to find that person to follow them all the way to your appointment room, and then you're told take a seat over there and you can’t see where that seat is. What's the solution? It's simple… It's the yellow label campaign, and we want you to put a yellow label on your patient’s chart when they have communication needs making for a more positive patient experience. Please get on board with the yellow label campaign. Thank you.
+353 (89) 262 4696 (Mon-Fri 10am-4pm)
Registered Address
15 Windsor Terrace, Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin, A96 RF29
Registered Charity Number: 20206288 - CHY Number: 23000 - CRO Number: 688621
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